Prizes and Patents FI.TIM
FI.TIM products, prize-winning and patented, are much appreciated on many world markets where they are distributed by important and competent distributors in every area
German prizes
International Patents
1998 – Jollift Minibench won the Bavarian State Prize at the exhibition in Munich (Germany) for its multifuncionality and structural quality.
2000 – State Prize in Munich, Germany for the double horizontal rotation traction arm for its funcionality and structural quality.
Continuous research allows to offer ever new products which improve, facilitate expedite the repairer’s work.
1991 U.S. grant
Bench with central lift + traction arm with rotation along the frame
Spaziolift lift for benches
Lift for heavy vehicles with connected scissors and electronic/hydraulic alignment of platforms
Bench with central lift
1999 U.S. grant
Inclinated plane device for lift upstroke
Hydraulic/mechanical system to synchronize two or more lifting platforms
Traction arm side fastening system
Double horizontal rotation traction arm